Slurry seals – What they are, how they work, and their benefits

February 20, 2023

Slurry seals are an essential part of pavement maintenance and preservation. They are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to extend the life of asphalt surfaces. In this article, we will discuss what slurry seals are, how they work, and their benefits.

What is a Slurry Seal?

A slurry seal is a thin layer of asphalt emulsion mixed with fine aggregates, mineral filler, and water. This mixture is applied to the surface of a pavement to seal cracks and small surface defects. The slurry seal dries quickly, forming a smooth, durable, and skid-resistant surface.

How Does a Slurry Seal Work?

When applied, the slurry seal fills the existing cracks and smoothens the pavement surface, preventing water from penetrating the pavement's base. The sealant creates a waterproof layer that protects the pavement from moisture and other damaging elements. The thin layer of slurry seal also enhances the pavement's skid resistance, improving safety for vehicles and pedestrians.

Benefits of Slurry Seals

1. Cost-Effective
Slurry seals are cost-effective because they are less expensive than other pavement maintenance techniques. Compared to a complete pavement overlay, which involves removing the entire surface and laying new asphalt, slurry seals only require a thin layer of material to be applied. The reduced material and labor costs make slurry seals an affordable option for small or large pavement projects.
2. Longevity
Slurry seals are an excellent way to extend the life of asphalt surfaces. The layer of slurry seal acts as a protective barrier, preventing water from entering the pavement's base and causing further damage. Slurry seals also improve the pavement's skid resistance, reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by slippery surfaces. With proper maintenance, a slurry seal can last up to 7-10 years, depending on traffic and environmental conditions.
3. Environmentally Friendly
Slurry seals are an environmentally friendly pavement preservation technique. The mixture is made of natural materials, including aggregates, water, and asphalt emulsion. Slurry seals also reduce the amount of waste generated from pavement maintenance projects. The reduced material usage results in fewer resources needed for production and transportation, reducing carbon emissions.
4. Quick Installation
Slurry seals are relatively easy to install and dry quickly, making them an ideal choice for pavements with high traffic volume. The quick installation process minimizes disruptions to businesses and residents. In most cases, traffic can resume on the paved surface within hours of application.
5. Improved Appearance
The application of a slurry seal enhances the appearance of the pavement. The sealant fills in small cracks and smoothens the surface, giving the pavement a fresh, clean look. Additionally, the layer of slurry seal enhances the pavement's skid resistance, improving safety for vehicles and pedestrians.


Slurry seals are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to extend the life of asphalt surfaces. The thin layer of material provides a protective barrier, preventing water from entering the pavement's base and causing further damage. Slurry seals also improve the pavement's skid resistance, reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by slippery surfaces. With proper maintenance, a slurry seal can last up to 7-10 years, depending on traffic and environmental conditions. The quick installation process minimizes disruptions to businesses and residents, making slurry seals an ideal choice for pavements with high traffic volume.

*image by Eric Fidler. CC BY-NC 2.0 license

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